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In Memoriam

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Since 2010, we have lost the following PBV residents. Click on the name to read the obituary.

Alma Bennett
Owen Brooks
Guy Buesing
Ann Burke
Betty Clark
Dick Clark
Charles Clogston
Robert C. Coldwell
Rita Dion
Rick Dowhan
Ruth Eitner
Dorothy Eschenbach
Bob Fisher
Shirley Fisher
Valerie Fogle
Michael Kapp
Hiram Kasten
Helen Kennedy
Dorothy Kerrigan
Joe King
Henry John Kisiel
Helen Lang
Robert Lang
Beth Limuli
Lorraine Manthey
Dick Manthey
Evelyn Mavricos
Phyllis McCarthy
Frank McCauley
Jean McCauley
Kay McConnell
Ralph S. McCrea
Nick Mele
Ron Ohl
John Papageorge
Helen Rieth
Jerry Rieth
Robert (Bud) Rodgers
Lyn Rummel
Costas (Charlie) Tsoutsouras
Roy Van Nostrand
Sylvia Varr
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